Rental Categories
- Dryblock calibrators
- Thermal imagers
- Infrared thermometers
- Digital gauges
- Transducers
- Pressure modules
- HART communicators
- Flow meters
- Combustion analyzers
- Dewpoint meters
Personal Safety
- Personal gas monitors
- Lone working solutions
Alignment and Vibration
- Laser shaft alignment
- Vibration measurement
- Multimeters
- Current clamps and clamp
- Power quality analyzers
and loggers
- Insulation testers
- Earth ground tester
- Decade boxes
- Frequency counters
- Phase rotation testers
- Transformer turns ratio meters
- Power supplies
- Scopemeters
- Battery analyzers
- TDRs
- Process calibrators
High Voltage
- Hi-pot testers (AC, DC, VLF, TD)
- Circuit breaker analyzers
- Battery load testers
- Primary injection test set
- Winding resistance meters
- Transformer turns ratiometers
- CT test sets
- Secondary injection
- Insulation analysis
- Portable oil testers
- Relay test sets
Network Certification
- Fiber Optic OTDR sets
- Fiber Optic OLTS sets
- Cat 6 copper certification sets
- Fusion splicers